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ConnectWise Sidekick Honored With 2024 Tampa Bay Inno Award

ConnectWise Sidekick Honored With 2024 Tampa Bay Inno Award

ConnectWise has announced that Tampa Bay Business Journal has named ConnectWise Sidekick as an honoree of the 2024 Tampa Bay Inno Awards in the Product Launch category.

The annual Tampa Bay Inno Awards recognize and celebrate the innovators, people and organizations making a positive impact on Tampa Bay, Florida's, technology ecosystem through disruptive strategies and innovative leadership approaches. The 2024 winners were selected by a panel of Tampa Bay Inno judges, who reviewed nominations centered around startups that had a banner year, new funding, notable product launches, new hires, innovative approaches to solving problems and creative leaders.

Launched in November 2023 and originally available across ConnectWise's PSA and RMM solutions, ConnectWise Sidekick is a purpose-built tool for the MSP community that leverages ConnectWise's proprietary generative AI models and large language models to enhance business efficiency, increase productivity and, ultimately, drive profitability. Using hyperautomation, AI and natural language processing, it allows MSPs to streamline manual tasks, delivers AI-powered predictions and optimizes operational efficiency.

In June 2024, ConnectWise launched ConnectWise Sidekick for Security, allowing MSP owners and technicians to query using natural language prompts to quickly identify high-priority security areas. As security threats continue to evolve in method and sophistication, it can be difficult for MSPs to find in-house expertise and proactive threat detection. Accessible from within the ConnectWise Asio platform, ConnectWise Sidekick for Security provides MSPs with the tools to keep their clients' environments secure by improving their overall security posture visibility, gaining security ticket assistance, discovering threat intelligence trends and simplifying appropriate response actions.

"We are honored to receive this recognition from Tampa Bay Business Journal," said Jake Varghese, executive vice president and general manager, business management, ConnectWise. "ConnectWise Sidekick is a labor of love that was built to bring actionable AI to MSPs and small businesses to improve efficiencies for our valued partners. Paired with ConnectWise Sidekick for Security, which accelerates time-to-remediation, our partners can better protect themselves and their clients' businesses in an evolving threat landscape. Creating and deploying these purpose-built, innovative tools has reaffirmed our mission to drive greater value and satisfaction for our partners."

The Tampa Bay Inno Awards event, recognizing this year's honorees, will take place on Nov. 14, 2024, in downtown Tampa.

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