iTS: Info Technology Supply

Vendor Membership


iTS are a leading provider of software for document and print fleet management as well as scanning and file conversion:

DocSlide is a secure document transfer solution dedicated to ensuring your private or confidential data is safe/encrypted when scanned.  It also offers audit of word or phrases on printed or scanned documents and file conversion.

Princity is a web-based (SaaS) Managed Print tool designed to make reporting, consumables orders, fault management and meter reading collection for all your MPS contracts incredibly simply.

Umango is a data capture and file conversion scanning solution that delivers efficiency in naming, indexing, and storing documents whilst being easy to install, configure and use.

evalyou8 provides an easy-to-use solution for collating real-time customer feedback, assessing the effectiveness of your workforce and increasing your customer retention.

Willow360 is a SaaS solution designed to help businesses save time by automating workflows and time-consuming procedures for all major departments with ease.

Kuario MFP Kiosk is a user-friendly solution, with advanced security features, and customizable options, making it an ideal solution for any organization that wants to provide self-service printing, copying, and scanning services to its customers.

Membership Type

Vendor Membership


Daniel Moreno
Solutions Partner Manager

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